How EWA Makes Things Personal

At EWA Travel, we put a strong emphasis on personalized travel services. The reason being we understand the importance of meeting individual needs. We’re aware policy compliance is mandatory, making personalization seem impossible. This, as you can imagine, is not the case at all.

Here at EWA, we decided to make personalization top a priority during the booking process and not allow it to be set on the backburner. EWA finds a middle-ground to meet the individual traveler’s needs while ensuring we’re complying with the organization’s needs.

To give a better understanding, we decided to ask one of our travel counselors, Toby Miller, and get some insight into how EWA Travel does it.

“As you know, personalization is a hallmark for EWA Travel. The reason is that we understand that each traveler is different. Here at EWA, we understand that managing travel for an organization cannot be a cookie-cutter experience. How we do is by taking into account what we call ‘The 4 C's.’"

"While taking into account the corporate travel policy, we take a look into the Cost, Convenience, Comfort, and Choice of the trip. As we look into ‘The 4 C's,’ we communicate with the traveler, offering them viable options on the stated degree of flexibility in the 4 areas. From there, we're able to offer a customized itinerary that fit's the needs of the traveler and complies with the company's travel policy.”

Katlyn Pierre